Extended Care

Before & After School Program

Our Before and After school program is designed to provide families the flexibility needed for an extended day. The program complements our other programs by adapting the school’s philosophy and routine, providing a wide variety of activities and materials which engage children and encourage creative thinking and problem solving.

Registration Requirements

Students must be currently enrolled in the Primary, Pre-Primary or Kindergarten program at Hagerstown Children’s School to enroll in this program.


The Before and After School program is open  Monday thru Friday on scheduled school days.  The program follows the regular school calendar.  Parents may register for a specific time slot on a monthly basis. providing space is available. Please contact us for fee schedules and availability.

Attendance Options (2,3 or 5 days per week)

  • 7:00 am to 8:30 am

  • 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm